Painting My Puppy

I love dogs. I have loved them since I was a kid begging my parents for one. When I was 8, they finally gave in and we went to pick out a feisty girl - a black Labrador Retriever. I named her Magic and for a minute, it was magical, until we learned that I’m allergic to dogs.

Allergy shots, nose spray, inhalers, the works! I went through it all for my love of dogs. As a young adult, I adopted two Italian greyhounds, and was reminded of my allergy then. But they were worth it!

When our oldest daughter (who is now 13) was begging for a dog, we finally caved and decided to adopt a Labradoodle, which is a breed lauded for its hypo-allergenic coat. Let me stop right there for a minute to make everyone fully aware that if you are allergic to dogs, they are never hypo-allergenic. So, I’m allergic, and I am managing it. And he’s worth it. Meet, Cody Bear, our Chocolate Labradoodle - 75% poodle, 25% labradoodle, 100% crazy.
