Seasonal Inspirations

For those who know me well, it is easy to see that Autumn is my favorite season.  I love the vibrant, bold colors and the feel of change in the air - that last lick of warm weather that makes you want to get outside and savor every second.  Many of my paintings are either firmly planted in the season of Autumn, or at least remotely inspired by its color.  However, this Spring felt like a rebirth, an awakening for me.  I had my 3rd daughter in the Fall of 2014 and my recovery was different and more difficult than with my first 2 children.  I found myself bogged down in sleeplessness, gray skies, bitter cold, wet weather.  I did not feel like myself for about 4 months.  Finally, with the twist in weather and the brightening of my surroundings, I felt alive again.  This "Spring Begins Anew," theme is certainly not unique, but to me, it felt like the most special Spring I have ever experienced.  As tribute, I've decided my next painting will capture the soft lime green buds and new grass that canvas our yard and the surrounding acreage, the silky wisps of pastel flowers that grace the lonely trees, and the bluest blue skies and subtle sunshine this beautiful season offers.  Keep your eyes open for hints on the process and progress of my latest "Spring" inspired works.